Critical Minerals Policy Tracker

photo of Critical Minerals Mine

This report is part of Critical Minerals

About this report

As the world transitions towards net zero emissions, the rapid scale-up of clean energy technologies is expected to boost demand for many minerals and metals, including lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, copper, aluminium and rare earth elements. To ensure that supplies are safe, secure, and sustainable enough to support clean energy transitions, governments will need to implement effective policies and regulations to create incentives for companies along the clean energy supply chain.

This new Critical Minerals Policy Tracker therefore highlights prominent policies and regulations already in place around the world to enhance security of supply, incentivise new resource development and ensure sustainable and responsible production.

Critical Minerals Policy Tracker

Building on the IEA’s landmark report The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions as well as World Energy Investment 2022 and World Energy Outlook 2022, this Critical Minerals Policy Tracker is intended as a tool to help governments explore new critical mineral policies in the three key policy areas of; ensuring supply reliability and resiliency, promoting exploration, production and innovation and encouraging sustainable and responsible practices.